

Sane for the same
Write a poem been inspired by a project or task be completed – whether it’s crossing something off the never-ending to-do list, or a project you have worked on for a long time.

To make it possible
I worked at mostly
This could be once
In my whole life
I did not see it as
A lot of stuff to do
Or to hang out with
But I saw it as a result
Of my first effort
I felt it as an opportunity
To grow up and more
People pointed out that
I work like a madman
They have never know
What it feels to hustle
And all I could do is
To be fair and balanced
No matter what or who
Calm and loyal I remained
It's not easy to find
Or to earn success
But it's a long journey
With a lot of sustaining
Take the courage and
Start being sane for fortune
© Eve_writes_