

My Soon to Be

Every night you call
For no reason at all
Just for a laugh or nothing at all
It tells me that like me, you yearn for that same connection.
Alone with thoughts In your head voices of the living outweighed by the dead
Every last word can be our last said
In my heart of my being i keep this in mind so I never waste a day or forget to check the time.
Life's too short and tomorrow we could die alone but when I talk to you I feel like I'm speaking to a queen upon a throne
I babble when I think of you
Poetic nonsense, its never gibberish its all articulate, the thought of you is like a never ending love song but this one never gets old
This one plays to every lyric we feel, to ever verse we repeat
You're my oasis my forever retreat.

When comes the day that your in my way I won't move past nor move through you I'll embrace the moment, and endure the ignition of pure absolute serenity
until then I'll continue to enjoy the melody
Your not the reason I breathe
You can't take credit for how far I've come
But where I landed is somewhere I don't come from, it's led me to this moment with you
I can't wait until you become real and we are able to inspire that love conquers all and dreams really do come true ..... in this I've only scratch the surface of what's to come I could write forever about my soon-to-be one and only someone
© Christopher j. Jarman