

*GRADUATION (Kimberly* )

A new day hatched,
Everyone watched,
The whole family in jubilation,
Excitement and ululation,
A degree would land in the house

A fleet of vehicles,
Motorcycles and bicycles,
Locomoted meticulously,
Everyone dressed gorgeously,
The whole village to the university

Kimberly was worried,
In the morning she hurried,
To seek for a hideout,
Before kinsmen found out,
What was awaiting them

The family arrived,
With joy they moved,
Into the institution,
Minds with one question,
Where was Kimberly?

Kimberly wasn't present,
And holding her present,
Her parents were embarrassed,
Their daughter had missed,
In the graduation list

The retake,
That she didn't partake,
The ignorance,
That denied her clearance,
Had bestowed shame on her family

© Julius