

Do you see the moments, between the takes? Or Do you see my makeup hiding my pain?What do you see exactly?

Do you know when I am not laughing, I am crying alone? Do you know those moments, when I literally force myself to go on?

Have you seen lately I am becoming very loud? Or did u notice I am doing all that just before I break down?

Have I been complaining alot lately? Or, is it not enough to even begin describing my misery?

Do u know even when I am not at my best I am trying to cheer you up? Or, do you see the normal regular me having fun? Which one do you see?

Do you also mix yourself up in the crowd when you are sobbing? Do you see me sneak out when my tears are dribbling?

Have you wondered why out of all my falls , this time, this time I can't seem to come around ? In the last one I had an option, now, now I cannot, I just cannot find my ground

Can you not understand what I am going through ? Isn't me spacing out between the talks enough to reach you?

Do you know it feels like hell inside my brain?Do you know all my efforts to put up are going in vain?

Do you remember last night after the party I was the last one to fall asleep? I ate more than what I usually eat , I danced all night, I sang a few songs , then I reached home and I was all alone, and then I bawled uncontrollably coz that's what my soul needed the most.

You must know that I am trying really hard to understand this, God, only if I wasn't playing this over and over in my head, how I wish!
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