

I'm the type of girl...🌿
I'm the type of girl that will hang on
never let it go,
I'm type of girl who always hyper
the one you wanna know..
I'm type of girl you won't wanna date
but would love to be just friends
I'm type of girl who knows the killer
long before it ends
I'm type of girl who fails at sport
but wins at every game 🎯
I'm type of girl who always cries
but cover all the pain
I'm type of girl that ready to believe
in all your pathetic lies
I'm the girl that hates Taylor Lautner 😁
and all those other teens
I'm type of girl who sits alone
but chases every dream
I'm the type of girl you can't forget
or get out of your head
I'm the type of girl who'll stick by
your side
even when you are dead
I'm type of girl who says what she feels
and means every single words
I'm the type of girl that fall 🍁 upstairs
and sing songs you never heard 😁
I'm such type of girl who really
spends her life 🧬🧬 in a
most 🍨🍨 exotic flavors 😁

#I love u 🍨🍨my crazy 💕 love.
#my simple way of living but
complicated one for all.
#,i don't know why 😒😒
but everyone take me for granted.