

**Upon Calvary’s Height**
Upon the mount where shadows blend,
A tale of sorrow knows no end,
Beneath the weight of heavy sky,
A Savior borne, yet none nearby.

The thorns, they pierced a brow so fair,
With every breath, a prayer laid bare,
Fingers stretched, the nails drove deep,
In anguished silence, the world would weep.

The wood, a cross, a burdened form,
In love’s fierce grasp, the heart grows warm,
Yet pain unfurls like tempest's cry,
As hope hangs low, and spirits sigh.

The sky, it darkens; the earth, it shakes,
As innocence bears the weight of stakes,
For every sin, a drop of blood,
A testament written in crimson flood.

"Forgive them, Father," the whispered plea,
In agony speaks a heart that’s free,
With every wound, a lesson taught,
For love is fierce, and hope is sought.

And on that hill, where sorrows blend,
A promise rose, the pain ascends,
For in His loss, our lives entwine,
In death, rebirth—a love divine.

So let us gather, hearts awake,
To honor the path that He did take,
For on Calvary's height, through pain and strife, Blooms the eternal gift of life.

Written By,
Ivan Edwin
Pen Name - Maximus.
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