

shadow masks masquerade (#29)
In a realm so bleak, where humanity falls,
Greed, envy, hatred govern their halls.
Hearts, cold and disfigured, a twisted abyss,
Shadows obscure each sun-kissed bliss.
Streets paved with shattered dreams, broken and lost,
People dance in chaos, in desperate exhaust.
Entangled in a spiral of anguish and pain,
No flicker of hope in this fearful domain.
Yet let us dare glimpse into this abyss,
Weave words of magic, shatter the darkness.
A sea of emotions, pulsating, cruel, and vast,
Ready to pierce hearts, enchant, and outlast.
The masks of humanity, deceptive guise,
Hiding the truth, distorting their eyes.
Concealing the depths within their stillness,
Dark secrets, witnessed by poets alone, with willingness.
Behind these masks, stories unfold,
Loss, fear, and the darkest duties told.
Masks that smile while the soul weeps,
Masks that lie while the heart screams.
Shadows of masks dance in their parade,
Obscuring the truth, igniting the charade.
Yet through the masks, truth does seep,
Broken souls seeking solace, hopeful and deep.
In the masked shadows, dances bitter truth, as lost souls find no escape.

© Max von der Heydt. All rights Reserved.