

Memories of Success. ( when my best teacher was leaving the school)
Hello- hii but don't say bye,
Because you are the most important guy.
You poked us till we finally success,
You helped us till we did not leave interest.

You showed us the way to lead life,
And made our behaviors worst to right.
Really sir, you are appreciable,
And you will be remembered by every student.

One day in future when we will talk about,
The best teacher renowned for,
Your name will always be on my lips,
And on my tongue as you had done a good fund.

2009-10 you appeared for 10th,
2019-20 we will appear for 10th.
How can you go without seeing our success.

Dear and dreadful,
The teachers might be.
But you are like a friend,
Says the whole 9th B.

- sejal kamble.

© sejal kamble