

The reflection man stares back,
His eyes greener than mine,
How much better am I than he?
Does he know who I am?
He can't be better than I,
Because I am Me, and he is he.

Though sometimes the hands shake,
"All of you are real. I understand at last!"
My face is just skin, these eyes are just holes!

But your face looks real, with fingers too!
Does that mean I'm fake? I'm not like you?
Words of a fool, much too messy,
If I wasn't real then I wouldn't be.
For Me to be, I have to be Me!

And without Me, there would be no stars.

With only my perception, power is mine!
I strike him hard, he shatters into nine!
The man looks puzzled and stretches far:
"How can you be sure of anything, Star?"
I look down from space and understand,

My eyes are green and I am the reflection man.

© ManWithoutSelf