

One wish
I can't do this anymore, I'm looking for strength but asking what for?
I've hit the bottom, shattered pieces on the floor.
Im just a soundboard for everyone's shit,
Taking verbal bashings hit after hit
I keep my mouth shut and brush it off,
But I can't take no more, it's alot.
No one checks on Me to see how I am,
Yet they expect me to comfort them, to understand.
I take all the abuse day after day,
Seems like everything gets chucked my way.
I can't say how I feel because then I'm selfish,
I need someone to listen to me, that's my one wish.
Someone who cares for me with no hidden agenda,
Someone who will be there for me when times are tender.
Am I being selfish, is that to much to ask?
Should I keep my mouth shut, pretending, wearing my mask?
Because if you ask, I'm not ok,
I just want a brighter tomorrow, and a better today.
© Melis5211