

I Don't Like It
The feeling i dont like
The annoyance
The irksome
I don't like it
I just feel aggravated with everything
I don't like it
It's not the first time
There are other days too
I don't like it
What's the cause? I don't know
It just comes unannounced
Next it's an explosion of emotions
Positive NO! They all just negative
I don't like it, I don't like them
I want them gone
I am peeved
It just drops on me like lost gravity
Like all force and pressure directed on one spot
They seem to find balance on me like am the host and
I lose mine
The negativity, The emotions
They keep eating me up
The more i keep trying to flush them, they seem to bite deeper
I don't like it, I don't like them
They suffocate me, They are suffocating me
They are tightening my chest, I don't like it
Nobody is seeing the pain, My pain
I don't blame them , it's not like am allowing them to be in the open and seen
I don't want to be looked at with those eyes of worry ,pity whatever it may be
I don't want to be questioned
I don't want to I just....
It's hurting me
I don't like it
Am loathing it
I want them gone
I don't want to be weighed down like a sinking ship that's burning
Like a sinking ship flooding with water from a teensy hole
I don't want to
I want them gone
I want to feel something ignite , positivity maybe
I don't like this
They suffocating me
I won't tell
I won't cry
I will come out like the other days
I will come through
I will get over with it like the other days
I want to scream, I can't
I want them gone!

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