

Song of My Soul
A melody whispers, deep in my core,
A song of the soul, unheard before.
It shimmers and shifts, a formless refrain,
Reflecting the joys, the sorrows, the rain.

There's laughter that dances, a bright, joyous beat,
And memories echo, bittersweet.
A yearning for purpose, a quiet desire,
Set against passion's untamed fire.

The rhythm of life, a steady bass line,
Through sunshine and storm, the seasons entwine.
Doubt whispers questions, a discordant hum,
But hope's gentle voice overcomes.

This song of the soul, a mystery untold,
A story unfolding, brave and bold.
It seeks no audience, no critic's acclaim,
Just expression raw, a whispered name.

So listen within, if your heart's ear inclines,
For the song of your soul is a treasure that shines.
A symphony unique, a beautiful quest,
The rhythm of being, forever at rest.
© nishitgangwar
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