

My Uncle With Cancer
Where shadows dance and play,
A silent stranger creeps, stealing his life away.
my Uncle , once strong and full of grace,
Now bows to Cancer's cruel embrace.

His eyes, once bright with laughter and delight,
Now dim with pain and long, sleepless nights.
His voice, once rich and full of cheer,
Now soft and weak, a mere whisper clear.

But still he fights, with strength and might,
Against the monster that assails his sight.
He faces each new day with courage true,
And never falters in his resolve anew.

Though Cancer may take his final breath,
It cannot claim his spirit's gentle death.
For my Uncle is pure of heart,
And love and faith will set him free from every part.

So let us stand by him, hand in hand,
Through this dark passage of life's sand.
Let our voices rise in hopeful song,
And keep his spirit strong, all day long.

For though the road ahead is long and hard,
We know that my Uncle will find a way to leave behind a yard.
Of love and joy, of memories so dear,
That we can draw upon them year after year.

So let us cherish every moment we share,
And hold my Uncle close, without compare.
For he is precious, and his time is short,
And we must make the most of every thought.
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