

new tales of old
Rising oceans,
A warming globe,
Savage storms,
A warning foretold...

no man made disaster has ever been more bold
and all the while we paint the scene
expansionistic oil field greed green
wasn't an elective for that I don't believe
and no one educated us, or informed us of the possibilities, no Google map search speaks the harsher realities
lands far from our screaming sensitivity are still smoldering
too far from wandering eyes to see, forgetful you and me.
and while we talk, and postulate, it's an obvious act
global warming smacks of politics, the left,right wing, lobbyists lie about beauricrats, news media blitzer bash
where lies are the only reported thing, facts indeed..blah blah, blah, lol,hashtag.... we did and didn't see it coming. this extreme blatant fake news thing..
weren't prepared and didn't care you see..
now no one keeps the knowledge alive, nor passed the torch to the youth
those who care are carefully leaked as insane instead, or politics led and labeled as undeniably weak proof that the headline says what is and what is now dead
now we live in silence that holds false to our inner truth
while every day we tear more earth from mantle, ravaging, earth, gravel,
transfer,raise, hold, stock
exchange ,portfolio, sell sell sell the damn dow, yen is down, raise the prices, news ten has intel ,war with china talk is priceless, recycling has been proven myth, and the round earth theory considered merely a spoof, by leading scientists, ignore yet now, even more proof
that the world isn't infinite,
and a resounding call still echoes inside someone, somewhere,
I know it should.
don't you?
© JennJ