

Silver reflections...
A silver mirror kept in my room,
showcasing everything in an impartial way,
It lits everything with it's silver gloom,
when it gets hit by the golden sunray...
In the quiet of dawn's first light,
A silver mirror hangs in soft repose,
Reflecting the world in its shimmering sight,
An impartial witness to each day's prose.

When the golden sunbeams gently play,
Upon its surface, a radiant display,
The room aglow with a silvery sheen,
A dance of light, serene and keen.

It captures moments, still and profound,
Each crease, each shadow, it does confound,
Mirroring life with a gentle touch,
In its silver frame, it reveals so much.

Oh, silver mirror, keeper of secrets untold,
In your depths, stories of wonder unfold,
Bathed in the sun's golden ray,
You transform the mundane in your own way...!!!
© dil ki kalam se.. "paalu"