


She owns a cat,
Her own cat,
The cat that vomits money,
The cat that makes rich men thirsty,
She owned a cat.

The cat that makes her proud,
With the cat she fears no God,
Religion is a waste of her time,
Daily living to please them,
She owns her cat.

The rich and poor wish to see the cat,
A least touch it and testify,
Testify of its tenderness,
The tenderness that creates many families bitterness,
The cat is her identity,
She owns the cat.

The cat that made mad men wise,
Paying for it they won't think twice,
She never thought, what could happen if the cat could be infected?
The cat that showed her with money,
The cat that paid her bills.

The cat was infected,
Yes infected and affected the owner,
The bright sun shine smile grew darker,
The rose dried,
The cat died so the owner,
They left a long list of death disciples,
She owned a cat.
