

The pen is mightier…
For many years, my pen lay still
The pages blank - no words to fill
Now, pages overflow
My pen weeps - bleeds years of woe
Unstoppable and unconfined
My musings raw and unrefined
Far beyond OCD norms
My pen, prolific, epics form
Skepticism, no surprise
Neither anger's ugly rise
In daily life, they have their way
But pen in hand, viciously prey
Upon the words, befit the page
Years of boiling, pent-up rage
Decades of ire, discontent
Never saying what was meant
Mincing words in consideration
Biting tongue in conversations
Societal norms, as they were
Ill prepared for the wrath incurred
Bottled rage, pressure mounted
Outlet found, doubts surmounted
Words flying, emotive, spewing
Rage unmasked, all consuming
Surprising outcome from expression
Light of day's valuable lesson:

Negativity thrives in bitter darkness
But, in bright of light, it's weak and harmless
Embracing the lifesblood of my pen
I’ll bask in the light where healing begins

© Shari64A