

Another relapse
Another relapse under my belt
How many times, shit ive lost count
So many feeling left undealt
Whats all this about
Another parachute down my throat
Cant wait for the minute
My feelings put on this coat
My body.absorbs every chemical in it
Another cloud fills my piece
Whiting out my emotions
This drug works with ease
It quiets most my heads comotions
Another dollar for a bag
I inhale fast
Taking drag after drag
Eventually im stuck in my past
A q is gone
I need a half
It doesnt take long
My high doesnt last
Now im sober once again
Surrounded by guilt
And shames my friend
I watch as my world begins to tilt
Another relaspe ends today
Im 12 days in
Clean and sober my way
Hi sobriety, how have you been?
© Shellypeet05