

My Destiny
To find my soul's eternal fruit,
Did I search on, every route.
From the atoms to the deep roots,
Did I set on to find my ultimate loot.

Searching through the darkest of nights,
On further, through days enough bright.
Did I proceed with the quest, alright
For I wanted the perfect grand highlight.

Craving, searching desperately, through many a scars,
Did I go on to unearth great mysteries.
All, which once had great histories.
With my ambitions' intensity, left to increase

Passing through the vast terrains with rigor,
Tried, did I to catch myself and recover.
And lo behold! Myself did I discover.
Completely with the excellent demeanor!

Atlast have I discovered my fruit- Passion.
My solemn source of inspiration.
Guiding, forcing me to my destination,
Engraving me with the best of creation!

And so with passion fuelled up on in me,
Ignited am I, with glory.
The once tough pathways, now seem easy,
To summit, I start off- My Journey!

So go forth & discover yourself,
And put forth, your true self.
For destination awaits with glee, it's true oneself
To be taken to pinnacles- Chief!


© Dr Nida Fathima