

My Most Loved One - My Mom
You are my heart
You are my throb
You are my universe
That completely rolls
My soul soothes
With your every touch
My heart thaws
With your every talks
My perils ceases with your every prayers
Your love makes me insane
When you pamper me with care
My search for peace ends up
By just lying in your lap
My search for happiness ends up
By just spending time with you
My search for my powers ends up
By just listening to your talks
My search for fullness of my life ends up
By just being with you
You are the one with eternal love treasured
You are the one in whom my world summons
😘😘Love You Amma😘😘

© Shilpa Marakkath
#writcopoem #writco #writcoapp #motherslove #Love&love💞