

A couple of whys
Why couldn't I be a better child?
Why am I perceived as a horrible daughter and sibling?
Why do I find it hard to be an available friend?
Why is my sense of worthiness lacking?
Why can I see the best in others but not in myself?
Why is anxiety a constant battle for me?
Why did i allow fear lead me to miss opportunities?
Why do I feel talentless and unable to find my place in this world?
Why am I considered unattractive and mediocre by others?
Why do i look this way?
Why does trying hard lead to disappointment, while not trying enough results in failure?
Why did I endure childhood bullying?
Why did I let myself be taken advantage of multiple times?
Why did I once struggle with addiction?
Why was I once a terrible person?
Why do I often feel unwanted?
Why haven't I experienced genuine friendship?
Why am I overly sensitive and crave attention, only to cringe when I receive it?
Why do I yearn to turn heads but feel judged by a passing gaze?
Why did teenage love elude me?
Why do I perceive myself as heavily flawed?
I don't want to overthink, feel alone, or experience such intense emotions.
I don't want to harbor self-hatred or feel worthless.
I don't want anger to dominate my emotions.
I don't want to constantly give people the benefit of the doubt or feel left out.
I wish for a true best friend and yearn for a different life.
Why, despite feeling saved by God, am I still distant from peace?
Despite praying for improvement, why do I still feel this way?

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