

young girl with fame
sometimes I think
this is my life or a game ,
I am a young girl with a big fame..
I might have done many stupid things
at a very young age

I have wings to fly but today I cry ,
It feels like I am stuck in between the rules and regulations of society..
my condition is just like a lion in a cage who is hiding his rage

I want to go to other land ,
which is far away from this greedy world
where no one knows my name ,
where I don't need to carry my fame ,
where no one treats me like a game

I just want be a young girl with no fame
I hate being like a lion who is hiding his rage inside his cage
- Anushka Kasana
this is my first poem so please support me , give me suggestions .. and yes this is related to my personal life .. ❤❤

© Anushka Kasana