

Paint Me New
Are men made this way?
To succumb to sin
To love, adore, and cherish it?
And to even lust after darkness?
Light entered earth, but men loved darkness.
Why does it feel so good to do wrong,
And then never get satisfied?
Only to burn with guilt in the end.

Light of the way, carry my heart in your heart.
Break me in peaces it would no longer be me,
Mold me like a potter does to a clay,
Into a vessel worthy of your glory.
Paint me new, for I've been marred by the colors of darkness.
Mend me now in ways you know how,
for worldly cares have torn me apart.
Take away all that has been me before,
And fill me day by day, hour by hour,
With the knowledge of the Truth.
© Yesterday Mailo