

A millionaire in Thy Word
you always boast of owning;
large, prominent and renown companies,
vast and large pieces of land,
most fancy and flashy cars on earth,
traveling by the most luxurious means
and also, the most expensive things.

I own no diamond,
I haven’t even touched any gold
To me, the expensive things are a dream
I’ve never gone to any luxurious place
Never have I feasted as the rich do
But I have to boast of my wealth
I am a millionaire.

Can’t you believe am a millionaire?
Clothed with the most valuable things:
God’s glory is always mine
Happiness always my portion,
Steadfast love like my breath,
Security always tight for God’s angels
Guard me with double-edged swords.
My life is always smooth for I am a child of God.

You install CCTV cameras on your property,
You have security guards all over your apartments
But thieves always...