

No Pressure by Rapheal Vontique Murray
The Devil is lurking
Attacking from a distance
His plan is to take my energy
My spirit
My soul
My Family and Elders
The plan is to force me to submit and give away my self control I've been making all the right moves taking action with conviction and drive. I've connected I am Aware so he has no dominion over me I'm close so I'm being attacked. See I'm still standing, see I have support, my ropes and I let my body fall back with the knowledge and respect for the ropes that hold me up. Buy me time to strike back
Protect myself and keep you off me until I call God from within me and knock you out no games played actions without regrets there is no judgement that will be accepted spiritually protected outside and inside my eyes open wide I am awoken I walk a Divine path how I live how I love how I laugh as a blessing to myself and others my presence a gift my time invaluable allowing no weapons formed against me to prosper.
Growth is going to hurt
But don't stop lifting, Running,jumping over the hoops and hurdles pain is not the enemy it is the best teacher
And lessons are blessings to see just what you are made of
Heartbreak,Headache,stomachache, all boils down to how you love,How you think, How you eat.
Where you find yourself is based off your choice, your Actions, this pain is mine I'm stronger because of it the key is how you survive your mistakes and learn from them See in the choices you make are the key but continue to make bad choices you will continue to receive pain and suffering but over stand that it will hurt and there will be some pain in all choice's we make accept the pain from hard work and positive decisions you make and move forward or wallow in the misery of in-activeness get up each day ready to fight for your tomorrow
Peace love in Abundance to you Be Brave Stay Safe
I Love You
no Pressure
© Rapheal Vontique Murray