

The anger inside me, I lived it every day. How can I extinguish it all?
In my dreams, the pain still pursues me, fleeting memories become trauma that haunts me to my subconscious
As time goes by, my lesions becomes deeper, the demon inside me just wants to finish you— finish you

All the memories burn me from inside like scorching sun
Lifted up to the sky and I'll lose the only one I love and have
I don't even know if everything I feel here will carry over
I'm worried that when my life ends I'll still carry all my lesions

Now I ask you, are you proud after everything you did?
How all the things you do have been killing me slowly
How can you kill someone you should love?

His treachery was so perfect till it yank my sanity
God am I cruel if I want him to feel what I feel?
I'm too young to lose my sanity
Like going through a journey in vain

I don't deserve all this pain, but why does he keep sparkling in peace?
I feel so sad that I have to sink into the ocean of my tears
There's nothing to pull me ashore, so I have to crawl to reach the edge
Wise words are no longer able to dry my lesions
Sometimes I feel like I complain a lot, but no one is listening

I feel so sad that I have to sink into the ocean of my tears
There's nothing to pull me ashore, so I have to crawl to reach the edge
All days passed in gloom, bleak, lack of enthusiasm

"Someone listens to my babble, sees my weep, holding my shoulder, but I see his eyes he doesn't feel me"
"Someone listens to my babble, sees my cry, holding my shoulder, but I see his eyes he doesn't feel me"

Do I have to toast to all my pain?
Or shall I keep smiling like I'm a clown to make them happy while I'm devastated

Oh my lord, I die without a sepulchre
It's been a long time
It's been a long time

©Uni Nindiani