

The little boy
In the grip of struggle at such tender age,
A little boy toils beneath the sun's cruel blaze,
Etched on his face,the tale of endless tears,
"Must life be this way?"his eyes sadly gaze.

Yet he persists,a tenacious spirit bound,
The spark of fierce conviction in his eyes;
Signifies a flame that burns with hopes of brighter days.
Deprived of simple joys,he forges on with his might,
Persevering in the face of cruel disdain,
A tiny hero marching,his scars worn with pride's light,
And though life may wound,his spirit will forever remain.

Spellbound,I watch,my heart brimming with pity,
Oh,if only I could grant him solace with each thought;
But I'm bound to reality's chains.
Standing and helplessly witnessing his plight,
I question the universe, it's Fairness skewed,
Why favour some whilst others bear the weight?
My heart shatters,for no child should bear such strife.

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