

The Day The Earth Stood Still
Worriedness trends through my veins. Like social media, new signals and new waves. Everyone is expecting the new post. Traveled this far as the long narrow road was, still I have not reached the destination I desperately seek. Journey through the mist like the fairy tales I’ve read. Center of earth transport I have to a new dimension parallel from the other half. Left side of my body feels this while the right side feels nothing of the sort. Levels rising fast. Must find a way to level it all for not staying beside me she slowly appears to fall. Trying to decipher in my head what can’t be easily fixed. The loneliness inside destructive as I steady breathe and take it all in. Fall to a complete I know she will not. My mind, my heart reassures me of that. Sadness of its entirety as drops in watery eyes further collapse as they fall. Dripping things away in this dark lonely hall. I stand alone. A shout I’ve not heard before, but too deep are these wounds. Could not have I held it longer. The call I’ve tried. They shared their concerns. Pointed no such name exist and it was than I figured. Around I couldn’t be. I wasn’t allowed. I couldn’t speak. Hated me she perhaps did. Why tell them the name doesn’t exist? Lost her entirety I have. Not even friendship the thing I thought to last. The outcome of it all I fear because results I wouldn’t know sincere. Where did this all go wrong? If time could turn around, I take her back to before it was discovered and things began to shattered straight to the ground. This too deep like a deep cut that won’t heal easily. This day the earth stood still as I saw me slowly breaking apart. How could she believe I’ve betrayed to the extent that she has? To the end I’m there as promised I’ve made to her, to the almighty above.
The day the Earth stood Still, Silent on this maze, this hill. Looking back wishing while kneeling down praying she heals. I was running to her trying to reach the finish line, except it gotten so dark since she did not want me in sight. How could I possibly see the light?
The Day The Earth stood I was cast out. My world around vanished because it was after all lights out.

© Johnny Cigars