

a real mom
a real mom never neglects a real mom always protects, a great mom gives advice, not to be mean just to be nice. mother's have limits mother's have rules, mother's make us laugh because they are so cool. we need to appreciate our mother's and show some respect, without our moms what life would we get, mother's are amazing mother's are fun, mother's are angels known as number one, you know your in trouble when she calls you by your full name, she fights your battles and wins the game, mother's are a friend you haven't had in a while, they have the magic touch that just makes you want to smile, every night pray and make a wish, tell your mom you love her and give her a hug and kiss, mother's make sure the fun never ends, they are what's called your very best friend, mother's make you smile on the days that it rains, she tells you to have Hope when your stuck feeling pain. mother's our angels that live life like no other, if anyone is amazing it's our very own mother