

Tumbling and twirling
For a strange feeling
Caging my faculty of thinking
Into submission and surrender.
I was too naive and tender
Letting its breeze sway me
Into gloomy abyss beneath the sea;
I wish I could see that it would never be.
Instead, I fell for his handsome,
Enticing body disguised from being gruesome...
He was a beast appearing as a dove.
His silky hairs, milky dentition, cute smile,
Sexy dimples, ivory and pleasant smell
The agile crocodiles drowning me inside an endless well.
Yes, I could surrender to this so well
But it was to surreptitiously blow me into permanent hell...
So slippery - this near capitulation
But I'll give this story a good narration...
Listen carefully with full attention...

Sitting by the window
Hoping to catch a glimpse of him
Of the permanent smile on his face
I needed him to stay
Instead I let him drift away
Time passes with no glimpse of him
I miss him, I need him
I whisper, my love, where are you?
Slowly, hope starts to fade
Tears start to fall
Then I see him, standing there
Just staring at me
Waiting for my surrender
So with a smile on my face
I raise my white flag
But my surrender
to this unworthy cause
Brought me only pain and suffering
Broke me from the inside out
So I picked up my pieces
Assembled them bit by bit
And shut my doors
Now I walk with my head held high
I wear my pride like a protective armor
My smile a camouflage
If I'm ever called on again
By the art of surrender
I'd laugh till I'm out of breath
Because this time, I'll win.

©®Annabelle and Jacob Wisdom Lagumo.