

This room of mine
In this room of mine I shed my tears.
In this room of mine I hold all my fears.
Fears that do not suite me.
Fears that are better left behind.
In this room of mine I hold each treasure.
I stain every mirror.
Looking for solutions that are void.
My head is pounding.
My heart is yearning.
For something that I don't even understand.
Is this room my home?
Or is it a fabrication of my imagination.
The walls never change.
But the pictures do.
Aging slowly.
Singing lowly.
Seeing every face.
But knowing none.
I guess I'll just stay in this room.
Until I remember where I put the key.
Solitude is where I grow.
But isolation is where I start to fade.
Nothing inside of me is hidden.
I leave no stone unturned.
I dive in deeply.
Please don't come and find me.

© Jillian Alexandria Weiss