

The Non-Living Truth
I used my veins to write your name,
In that retarded brain,
Having illusions of your mere presence,
That had a great strain,
My heart spindles up on your disgraced pain,
I have never wanted you to be hurt,
So kept my mouth to myself,
Is that true love,
When i am in such a state,
The stars had me stuck and contemplate,
I am wondering when is the next chase,
God help me from the burn of hell,
The words were star spangled up on my chest,
The tattoos are drawn up on my neck,
You never saw but that really hurts,
Have me in your heart as my clandestine fell,
It shall never be taken back to it's old place,
Once broken the expensive it gets to repair,
I have a evil intention that is expecting you at my grave,
Never show up cause my spirit is ruthless,
A long vendetta of pouring blood on your face,
But nevertheless i was holding myself in disgrace,
The side wall i am sitting said to be brave,
But it saw and said be coward that is for your sake,
Have me believed in the walls talking,
It threw hanger at my coffin,
Even the non-living wanted me gone,
How come i am expecting a living all along.
© Shafi