

I take my leave to slay the foe. To fight my battles high and low. I'm leaving mother please don't cry, please let me find my way. To conquer victories where they lie,scared to death at times I'll cry. The time has come to say goodbye. One day I'll find my way. Go forth depression always near,a heavy burden,pain crystal clear. Tho it will never disappear I have to find my way. Try to muster up courage to face every new day. Refuse to let this heaviness be the reason I lose my will to find my way. I hurt inside and I must go. I promise mother and this I know I love you my son and you the most that's the only truth that I truly know. My love for you was always my heart's beating tune. Happiness one day I promise will resume. Don't cry for me but rest assured I will finally find my way,I'll slay the foe. And then that day I'll finally get to go back home.
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