

thanks a lot for f****** me over I'm so drained I'm exhausted and I have no one I have problems problems that cannot be ignored problems that make me relived things that I just don't want to I shouldn't have to people have no mercy I'm so emotional though I don't know if an emotional person can make it in a world as cool as this unless I display anger and believe me I have a lot of anger because people were supposed to be there people aren't supposed to be constantly figuring out ways to f*** over other people no wonder the world is f****** s***** no wonder the world is no good because we're no good but God damn it I'm tired of I'm tired of the suffering please I am tired I just want to break things like people broke me I asked him to stop talking because my mental state it couldn't handle it but instead of stopping they continued and continued and continued and I don't understand why because I wouldn't do that to them there's no compromise there's no working together it's here here is a list of demands complier get the f*** out of here this was never working together to work together we both are in it together but how dare you devalue me now I've come to find out I'm evicted I saved this house from multiple destructions that were terrorizing the house in terms they were actions that were extremely destructive dangerous and I still stayed and stayed and stayed and I I maintained and no one appreciates it I stopped a fire in the middle of the day because some idiot said hey let's light a fire outside of her door but they're not just lighting a fly right outside of her door my door they're lighting a house fire in the middle of the day and there's two apartments there's two floors which means everyone was at risk everyone so I put the damn thing out but I really wish I had and have have not have because I'm evicted I've done so much my whole life has been dealing with these games these head games my whole not my whole life but for the past 3 years it's been dealing with all of this and I'm trying to be sincere and I highly doubt anyone else has been being sincere anyways I just want to hate I just want I just want them to pay for all the traumatic experiences that they continue to put me through I'm not to be put through things like that I have a life too I'd like to think all these battles and all these issues and all the effort I've been putting in and it just doesn't make sense you guys don't make sense I don't make sense because you guys don't make sense I adapted off of your speech I don't know what kind of speech pattern it is but you can be one person one second and another person another second
© hailtheesavage