

Unknown Welcomes Me...🖤⚘
Unknown welcomes me..
And I welcome it..🖤💫

Journey leading towards me...🖤⚘
And still I bloomed..
I've felt the heavy rains..
With the time of none,
Crushed under the weight..
Of my own soul,
Ashes of my own existence..
Weeping with the crystalline..
Teardrops of true,

Crowded room filled with the souls..
I used to love...
But,Also with same beats..
That have hurt me the most..

Trying all time to be brave..
A pure smile on my face,
But,Inside each spark on its flame,
Knowing deep down..
Peeling off the vibes of peace..
No longer they know the..
Attraction of a smooth gentle breeze,

Want them to know..
The scars that made unseen,
Wounds they left unfilled,
Learning to accept the dark days..
Still, Emotions consume me..
And i have always known..
That i feel things too deeply,

Healing is never so hard..
Still,Alot to untangle,
So much to learn,
While my anxiety still takes over..
Trying to learn that I've come so far..
And for that honestly I say..
I'm proud about it,

More then anything,
I wish I could go back in time,
And change the momentous of past,
With a perfect smile..

Surge of upcoming storm,
Shaking me to the core..
Droplets of darkest rain,
Potraiting my shivering frame..
Wept so much with the sky,
Howled with the wind..
Screamed alot with the maze of mind
Trying to froze for a moment..
To comfort the losing peace,

Both a blessing and a curse I have,
To dive with it so deeply,
Not only it affects me..
But the feelings of those around me too,

For I'm no longer a little girl,
Who's afraid of shadows at night..
Bruised and broken to the core,
Still,The warmth of tightend prayers,
Comforting me as the endless soul,
The flame inside me has learnt well,
How to hold on..
And for sure,
One fine day..
Time will whisper,
You just became the master of your own destiny,

The unknown welcomes me..
And I welcome it..🖤💫

© piece to shine