

Alone again
Here I stand alone once more
Nothing new I'm use to the emty feeling in my core
I thought I escaped it for a while
Yet it came back and ripped away my smile
Maybe if I try being more vocal
They'll understand I'm an introvert and not anti social
Yet no matter how much I try
I can't escape the feeling of fear..of socializing I'm not shy
I just don't know how to respond
To create that natural flow..that human bond
Of emotions I've never been too fond
But no Matter how hard I try
I can't escape the feeling of wanting to cry
The setting of being abandoned and left alone
The people I once knew ghost in my phone
The emptiness is back
The energy to do something about it I lack
Just making peace with the fact of Being om my own
This is something I had to learn I'm all grown
As sad as that may sound
I'm use to never being found

© eve_is_a_poet