

I'm not her.
I'm not her because she has a beauty like the fairytales describe ,is she perhaps snow white, rapunzel or Cinderella?

While me the beauty I have is depend on the eye of the beholder.I have a beauty that a man could not see if he looks only in physical appearance not what inside me.

I'm not her! She has fast growing career while me struggling every single day to provide and look for my financial stability.

I'm not her! She possessed many talents that I could never had. Although I tried and tried everyday to learn new things but the thing this is not enough.

I'm not her! While I talk to you tried to make you happy I know from the bottom of my heart, you wish I am not the one you are talking to.

I'm not her! You form your lives in your imagination and dream to have a family with her while me I am just like an option, you just needed me for a while to fill her space in just a moment .

I always ask myself why can't you love me the way you love her...
And I have always the answer.

Because I am not her.

@niña's work