

**Far Away, Yet Ever Near**....
After I die, don't shed a single tear,
For I will be much far away.
Remember me for my good deeds here,
In the warmth of a sunny day.

Let not your heart be heavy with sorrow,
But light with memories we shared.
Think of the joy that will always follow,
The moments of love and care.

Recall the times we laughed and played,
The kindnesses, small and grand.
In every selfless act, I stayed,
A part of this vast, loving land.

So when you gaze at the stars above,
Or feel the breeze through the trees,
Remember my life was filled with love,
And cherish those memories.

After I die, don't shed a single tear,
For I will be much far away.
But in your heart, I will be near,
In the good deeds that forever stay.
© dil ki kalam se.. "paalu"