

I gaze upon a time long gone,
When life was simpler, and we were strong.
If I could fly above it all,
Would the world below seem small?

In the 70s, people cared,
Neighborhoods united, hearts shared.
But in 2024, a different scene,
Where coldness reigns, and distance between.

Boys and girls, now teenagers,
Some lost in chaos, others dreamers.
Robberies, carjackings, all out of hand,
A world that we can hardly understand.

Technology has changed our ways,
But at what cost, do we now pay?
We've lost the sense of community,
In this world of cold impunity.

Yet still, hope remains in our hearts,
For a world where kindness restarts.
Let us remember the past with love,
And strive to create a world above.
© Nate