

We are too quick to pull a long face whenever we are in trouble.
We are too quick to forget that there is nothing God cannot do, He is able.

Our hopes and faith seem to pull apart,
when the God we serve it takes so long to act.

We think God has abandoned us,
He is nowhere near us.
He speaks and always answers us.

We hear not because we are double-minded we have lost focus.
let us believe in Him He promised to neither leave nor forsake us.
If God is for us, who will be against us?

He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
His love is pure, He speaks to us in many ways and let us listen and trust in Him forever.

Our God is a game-changer.
When the game of life gets bitter,
He is always there saying Fear not even in times of danger.

He saved Daniel in the Lion's Den,
so if you believe in Him not now when then?

He made the blind see.
He made the Israelites cross the red sea.

He gave life to the dead,
the hungry He fed.
There is nothing I cannot do, God said.

He separated the darkness from light,
what else could be greater than God's might?
Unto God, let us ever hold tight.

Let us remain humble,
So God will guide our steps lest in life we stumble.
Never with God should we will gamble,
now and forever "mek God b we yone fambul."

In Deo Confido (In God I Trust).
Even when we feel lost,
let us put God first.
Now and always, only for God should we thirst.
And put our trust.
© Francis Bassie