

The Glitch Prince
NO greetings to the mass-es
I repeat:
This is a briefing for the class-less

My undertakings are strong
But so
Slyly withdrawn

An ancient!
It proves
I've already been set to obtain this head-on

No god to complex
Cause my
Niche is far too antiquated to anticipate bliss

It doesn't mean I aimed it
Just know
YAH is the one who blessed this...

Royal proclamation
I am the wit

Unbothered for trials whether a
Hit or miss
I claim vic-torious...

Smiles even when my angle
Don't seem to fit
For the ultimate...

I am
History's glitch

© Ta'Hill Scribble

#prince #glitch #Time #Ancient #royalty #apttmh #loved #imperfection #confidence