

The Whispers of Nature

Lush meadows I endlessly walk.
Peaks I scale, hands laced with chalk.
Flower beds, a bountiful pasture,
Are all things I stalk, seeking the whispers of nature.

Great distances I travel,
Hoping subtle whispers I’ll unravel.
Lost in thought I walk,
Bare feet on shards and gravel.

To Places no one has ever been.
Mesmerizing sights no one has ever seen.
I walk with purpose, through rocky roads and grasses green.
Towards the world of man, I turn my spleen.

The sky viciously rumbles, a storm approaches.
Slowly but surely, on my being it encroaches.

My resolve dampened by the pouring rain.
Outspoken thunder which numbs my brain.
Yet I keep on looking,
For the whispers of nature, which transcend this plane.

My heart wavers like a wind struck reed.
I keep on digging till my fingers bleed.
Yet they can’t seem to find,
That which I so desperately need.
The Whispers of nature that I want to heed.

I seek the whispers hoping they'll enlighten,
My view of this world they'll brighten.
I believe therein lies my calm.
The whispers of nature are my heart's balm

And so I'll keep on listening.
Amidst tall grass with dew glistening.
Gazing at the starry sky,
Listening to the whispers sweeter than rai.

As I absorb nature's message,
Undergo the rites of passage.
I become one with God's green earth,
And therein I find my truest mirth.

© wolf’s cub

@Eniola_arts @sim2904 @Lost__Star @zyl2405 @ashamelessintrovert @JustLap @sabotoged