

Stuck In Horror
Sad memories,
Written in art,
Joy yearns to shine,
Wishes heard, but covered in shame,
Stories told, fallen asleep in boredom,
Silently closing the page,
Silently closing the books,
Tears fall and become pearls,
Yet cannot be sold,
Cold comes in summer,
The unbelievable appears,
Feeling hot in winter,
This is unimaginable,
Sad memories break my heart,
Destroying my soul,
When will I wake from this dream,
Stuck in a dream with sad memories,
Crying at dawn in the corner room,
Staring at the window and wondering,
Where am I?
Where am I going?
Questioning myself without answers,
Stuck in a horrible dream and I can't wake,
Screaming, but can't be heard,
Shouting is meaningless,
It will only make it worse,
Gathering myself to turn things around,
To journey and change the dream in the dream,
Will I make it?
Can I wake from this dream?
I can't see what is ahead,
Who will be my eyes?
How will I make it?
Those are questions I have no answer to,
But I believe I will do the unbelievable.