

Envy: A Wicked Virtue
To Envy is To Hate,
People who are better than you.
You mourn your destiny, curse your fate.
You wish they'd never met you.

The feeling is quite overpowering,
Makes you cross any level,
Causing them harm needs no thinking.
Any fear, from mind, across you shovel.

You desire to be at par,
Advancing further, comes a long to beat,
Ignoring perils, Aiming to go any far,
Ignoring to plan for a safe retreat.

Their contant haunts hovering in mind,
Leaving you restless,
In attempts, to throw them behind,
Your thoughts grow tireless.

But Is Feeling Envious So Needed,
Why give someone a power over you,
To leave your thoughts and you deprived,
from calmness, strength of the Real You.

You are born to be Unique,
You are born to be You,
Don't let someone make you sick,
Get rid of Envy, such a Wicked Virtue!

© ShriMukh