Don't know what to do .......
Don't know what to do ahead
I want to give up,I don't wanna even get out of bed
Got struck in this shit
Don't know how to get out of it
Everyone had their obstacles
Trappings us like octopuse's tentacles
Don't know what to do ahead
Everything will work out fine,someone said
Can't figure out,whom should I pity
Myself or this world that is shitty
Don't know what to do
If I try something...
I want to give up,I don't wanna even get out of bed
Got struck in this shit
Don't know how to get out of it
Everyone had their obstacles
Trappings us like octopuse's tentacles
Don't know what to do ahead
Everything will work out fine,someone said
Can't figure out,whom should I pity
Myself or this world that is shitty
Don't know what to do
If I try something...