

My father is no more
so no father's day for me
but still he is always there
as near as heavenly souls
could possibly be .
My father was of a different kind
I now understand that
He was so reserve
A man of few words
Disliked unnecessary chitchats .
Like today "s generation
I didn't dare to throw tantrums
But whatever I needed
Was always given to me
Though how ....I was too dumb to fathom.
Tall , straight and handsome
With a mop of black curly backbrushed hair
He wore the same shirt often
But I was too naive
To notice or care .
Not that I had many dresses
But my birthday always saw one
He got me admitted in the best Convent of the city
Within meagre resources
God bless him a ton.
He had a strict disposition
He spoke very less
I was a little scared of him
I must confess.
But he was an angel
I respect him a lot
He remains in my heart
Whether present in person or not.
So everyday is Father's Day for me
His memories come unbidden for free.

© Liquid words @28