

Doctor Said I am Brainless! ( A List Poem)
What is a List Poem?

A list poem gets its name from the fact that most of the poem is made up of a long list of things. These poems usually have a list in the middle, plus a few lines at the beginning and a few lines at the end.
My first attempt to write a List Poem is below.

Doctor Said I am Brainless!
I went to the doctor,
I had pain in my head.

He x- rayed my head,
He stared at it and here's what he said,
"It looks like you've got a banana there,
an apple, a mango, a peach and a pear.

A plate of spaghetti, a salmon, a glass of wine,
a plate of French fries, tortilla chips and sauces combine.

I also see something that looks like a house,
a monkey, a cow, a dog and a mouse.

A laptop computer, a boat, a car and a cat,
an old pair of glasses, shoes, a coat and a hat.

A whistle, a thistle, a missile, a duck
an icicle, bicycle, tricycle, a truck.

With all the junk you have in your head,
I wonder how you stepped out of your bed.

The good news is that you don't need any surgery for your pain,
From what I can see here, you don't have a brain."

© Sunita Pathania

#sunitapathania #brainless #doctor #humour
#listpoem #funny #writcopoem