

Books Just To Vent
It's easy to write what I feel
To let go of steam in chapter one
Hiding behind each page
Counting the day I ran out of words
To ended up quitting in rage.
Tired of people, I used that as an excuse
A problem to be written
To my own use.
The opinions that are listened
Are ignored later on
Negatively written
Until the paper is torn
In Chapter two
I simply write the truth
Vent it onto paper
I known your a lier
See through your lines
I write what I see
It's coming together in chapter three
My point of view
My vision is 180
I have a large perception of you
Is what I'm thinking
From first impressions
Just an idea
I made up
So I can have something to write
Created for a plot
Chapter four
Fighting these elements
Of people
Easier to write it on paper
But it's unfair, unequal
So I keep my mouth staple
But my hand is awake
Written when asleep
The advantages that I take
Book just to vent, secret to keep
Read them in my dreams
There just books to vent
But it's more that it seems
An amount of time spent
Is it wasting my pen?
My books to vent .
《The End》
© Moon Diaries