

I Have Loved You
I have loved you at your worst
When darkness consumed your soul
I stayed by your side, my love dispersed
For you, I am meant, my heart whole
I have loved you at your best
When you shined like the stars above
My heart overflowed with happiness
For you, I am unwavering, my love
I have loved you imperfectly
With flaws and mistakes along the way
But you accepted me, my love worthy
For you, I am flawed, yet I stay
I am made for you, my dear
And you are made for me
Together, we conquer all fear
Our love, unconditionally free
I have loved you, with all your flaws
For they make you who you are
And in your imperfections, I find no flaws
For you, my love, are my shining star
I have loved you, in every moment
In joy, in pain, in laughter
My heart, forever yours, potent
For in you, I have found my happily ever after
For I am made for you
And you are made for me
Together, our love will stay true
For eternity, we will be
So let me love you at your worst
And cherish you at your best
For in every moment, my love will burst
For you, my heart will never rest.
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