

I address us
Partners of dread
Bound in a single thread

Lyricist of vocal stage
Friends since Young age

Crewmen of gigantic waves
Pirates of Caribbean tales.

Walking in dynamic rain
Adventurous domain

Empirelism was, what we gained

Every moment was insane

Exposure of timid gestures
acquainted us with life's essence textures..

We met beneath the tree
The valley of heal

Building castle
Was not in our bucket list

Audacious spirit adhere
To the grief
We sensed unusual relief

The realistic smile
We covered distance in miles
Everything was worthwhile

The moment
Sharing last cigarette
of mine
London's beautiful lines
Scenario of Armenia's orchard's vine

Your lyrics were enough to intensify my heart beat
Yes when you touched
It was relief

You touched my lips
Standing on your foot tips
Squeezing my hand tightly
Then pushed me slightly
Kiss was for the brief
Yes it was relief..